Welcome to Hope Church

When you join us for a worship service or discipleship groups, we hope you find it to be engaging, warm, and authentic.

We worship on Sundays at 10am!

During our service, we will spend time worshipping Jesus through singing, praying, listening to a testimony, and hearing a sermon from the Bible. We often also have communion. We also have Encounter services once a month, which is an extended time of worship, prayer, and hearing a word of exhortation from one of our elders. If you want to receive more information about our church then please fill out this form.

Hope Kids Discipleship is available for children six months through fifth grade.

OUR ADDRESS: 8301 Jones Road, Suite 170, Jersey Village, TX 77065

Visit a Community Group or Discipleship Group

The best way to connect at Hope is to visit one of our discipleship groups, where we pursue Jesus together through prayer, Scripture, accountability, and mission. We have several groups in our city that meet at different times of the week. Once a month, we break from these discipleship groups to meet in community groups. These are typically larger gatherings where we share a meal, worship, pray, and receive communion together.

Click HERE for more information and where to sign up for a group!

  • You can find our Statement of Faith here.

  • People at Hope tend to dress casually. You'll see everything from shorts to jeans to khakis on Sundays. Come as you feel most comfortable.

  • You may park anywhere in the parking lot or the grassy area . Just look out for cones and signs marking where to go!

  • We would be honored to pray with you during any service. Each week, immediately following the sermon, we have a time of singing and prayer where you can receive prayer. This is generally one of the most encouraging times of our service every week!

  • If any parents with upset babies need to step out of our service, there is a cry room located in the back of the worship area where you can listen and watch the service.

  • If you’re interested in joining the Hope Church family through covenant membership, you can register for our next New Member Lunch on our events page.

  • Any of our elders or members would be honored to talk with you about Jesus and what it looks like to follow Him. Please don’t hesitate to contact us or pull us aside on Sunday.